Apex Legends players want new ‘favorite legend’ system

One ingenious Apex Legends fan has come up with an idea that would stop players from missing out on their favorite legends during the selection process.

Apex Legends has carved out a niche for itself in the battle royale genre ever since it launched back in early February – with over 70 million players dropping in for at least one game. It was so successful at one point, that it surpassed the mega power that is Fortnite, but couldn’t manage to hold on to the top spot.

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One big thing that sets it apart from its rivals is the use of legends with their own unique abilities and playstyles. Be it Wraith, Mirage or Crypto, everyone has a favorite but you can’t always get your hands on them.

RespawnThe new idea would let players get used to more than one Apex Legends character.

Well, one fan would like to change that. In a post to the Apex Legends subreddit, user deadend1755 laid out their idea for a new way to organize your favorite characters so that you never miss out on at least one of them.

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In the Redditors plan, players rank their top three favorite legends from first to last, giving them priority during the legend selection phase. If you went away from the game as the selection was happening, the game would, hopefully, take your favorite character first, but if not, it could easily work its way down the list. 

While it might not seem like the biggest change that the game might need right now, a number of fans were on board with the idea. “This would be great for those challenges that require different legends,” commented xJack_Kass. 

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Others, however, wanted to take it one step further. One Redditor suggested a similar idea also could work for loot, while user McthaGrower noted a random button for legends would also shake things up.

Whether or not the Respawn development team would ever take notice of this idea is unknown, considering they’ve likely got other things on their hands. 

Yet it would certainly be a lifesaver for those players who, or one reason or another, come close to missing out on their favorite legends during the selection phase.

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