Apex Legends players want Halo Infinite’s Battle Pass system

343 Industries / Respawn Entertainment

Halo Infinite’s unique Battle Pass system has proven popular with FPS fans and now Apex Legends players are calling for similar changes. 

Battle Pass systems aren’t exactly anything new – in fact, most free-to-play and even paid multiplayer games feature them. While most Battle Passes only give players a limited amount of time to unlock various cosmetics, Halo Infinite has changed the game completely.

Not only will the Battle Pass never expire, but players can also select which Pass to progress towards even when new ones are released.

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There’s no denying just how positive the reaction has been towards this feature, particularly from those who may not have the time to grind each Pass. Missing out on a cosmetic you want due to time restrictions certainly feels bad, so it’s hoped that this new feature will help alleviate the current issues.

However, many Apex Legends fans are now hoping Respawn will take note from 343 Industries and implement a similar system to their Battle Royale title in the future. 

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Apex Legends players call for Battle Pass changes

Apex Legends Battle PassRespawn Entertainment
Missing out on past skins just feels bad.

As of writing, there is currently no way to earn previous Battle Pass cosmetics in Apex Legends. This means if you weren’t playing during a particular season, the chances of you getting that cool Legends skin or weapon cosmetic are very slim.

However, for those playing Halo Infinite, this won’t be a problem. The Battle Pass will never go away, which means players can level it up and earn various seasonal cosmetics at their own leisure. 

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“It would be a brilliant idea to have a menu tab in the lobby that allows us to look back on all the battle passes in Apex and purchase any that we missed,” says Raxus001. “That way we can have the chance to get the goodies that newer players (or players that took a break) have missed out on.”

halo infinite343 Industries
Halo Infinite’s Battle Pass system is a game-changer.

Many players noted that Respawn would still receive the money used to purchase new and older Battle Passes, making it profitable for both the fans and developers. It’s also a shame that certain cosmetics are locked behind certain seasonal content, with many Apex players wishing to show off the game’s skins. 

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“There’s so much amazing content that newer players will never be able to buy and earn. This would be amazing, says LimeGreen17. It certainly seems that Apex fans are on board for this change, but whether Respawn will make any adjustments to its Battle Pass system remains to be seen. For now, though, you’ll just have to grind away if you wish to get all the latest in-game items.