Apex Legends players want classic Call of Duty mode that is ideal for Arenas maps

Apex Legends Maggie next to CoD Gun GameActivision / Respawn

Apex Legends players have called on Respawn to add a classic Call of Duty game mode to the battle royale – suggesting that it would translate well to the game’s Arenas maps. 

Despite the obvious affection Apex Legends players have for their game, they have been known from time to time to request features that competing titles have implemented so successfully.

In the past, they have called for features from Fortnite or Warzone, but recent posts in the game’s subreddit have seen them calling for a mode that has become classic in the Call of Duty series: Gun Game.

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Lifeline sniping in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Apex Legends players are calling for a classic CoD game mode.

Originating in Black Ops, the mode sees players work their way through 20 guns, with each elimination progressing them from one gun to the next. The free-for-all is won by the first player to get a kill with every weapon.

Other rules, like being killed by a melee, see players demoted a weapon.

The idea was floated by u/christuhfurr, who suggested Apex Legends’ Arenas maps would make the perfect environment for such a game mode. They also outlined the possible order of weapons, starting with a P2020 and ending with Mozambique shotgun.

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The post was generally well received by other players, many of whom suggested they want to see something akin to Gun Game in Apex. Discussions surrounded how the game’s legends would fit into the mode, with some suggesting that Valkyrie would be overpowered given her aerial capabilities.

While typical multiplayer modes are far from the norm for Apex Legends, Respawn have demonstrated a willingness to broaden the type of game modes available in Apex Legends.

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Recent leaks and rumors have pointed to a Domination-type LTM that could come in a future season, which would see players trying to capture points in a team-based game mode.

As ever, nothing if official until confirmed by Respawn.