Apex Legends: Players react to crazy Rampart bug costing teams wins

Rampart HeirloomRespawn Entertainment

A video surfaced on Twitter showing a Rampart bug that teleported a player through a building floor, getting them killed by another team in a Japanese tournament.

As of August 27, Rampart is not a popular option in casual Apex Legends play or in competitive tournaments.

Players think that while the character has unique abilities, like a deployable turret and damage-buffing walls, her kit is too stationary to be useful.

However, one Japanese team still used her in a competitive setting in a tournament. Instead of being rewarded for their team composition, a game-breaking bug happened that teleported one of them through a floor.

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Apex Legends Rampart turret ruins tournament chances.

The Apex Legends player who got bugged by the glitch posted a video on Twitter revealing their perspective as they teleport through the floor. The translated caption to the Tweet reads: “I was having fun shooting Sheila when a bug suddenly warped me down.”

The video shows a Caustic shooting at a team far away from atop a Rampart turret. The Caustic dismounted from the turret and then teleported on their own through the floor into a camping enemy team, immediately getting gunned down.

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The Apex Legend community was shocked by the “incredible bug.”

Some players saw this as a sign that Rampart would never become a meta pick again in Apex Legends with bugs like this “Rampart has almost entirely left the meta, cause imagine this sh*t happening in ALGs lmao.”

However, other users in the Apex Legends community saw the funny side of the glitch, joking that “clearly this is a preview of the new Mole legend coming to Apex.”

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Furthermore, an analysis by a Reddit user theorized that the glitch was caused by exiting “Sheila at an angle that landed her inside a rampart wall forcing her downwards to the closest open space.”

The 2023 ALGS championship has nearly arrived for pro teams to compete in. Fans are hoping that no glitches similar to this befall their favorite team as they duke it out to become ALGS champions.