Apex Legends players outline exactly why Horizon needs to be nerfed

horizon nerf apex legends season 8Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players have outlined exactly why Respawn need to nerf Horizon in Season 16, with the Gravitational Manipulator growing in the BR’s meta.

The meta is always changing in Apex Legends. With new Legends being introduced with each season, and old ones getting hit with various buffs and nerfs — it’s a breath of fresh air for players.

The community is certainly vocal about what they want to see too, with fans demanding changes regularly.

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Now, players are once again calling for Respawn to make some long overdue nerfs — outlining exactly why Horizon needs to see some changes.

Apex Legends players want to see Horizon nerfs

In a January 7 Reddit post, one Apex Legends fan explained their frustrations with the Season 7 character, specifically noting how the Legend makes no sound at all when falling to the ground.

“I’ve mained Wraith for 15 seasons, tired of her state and lacklustre kit, I’ve decided to move my efforts to Horizon, this legend is a crutch that can fly,” they wrote.

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“Ignoring her gravity lift, probably the most easy reset in the whole game, the fact that she make absolutely NO SOUND when falling from that thing it’s aggravating, I’ve landed on people heads and shoot them in the back without them even noticing anything.”

The fan continued: “I can literally flank teams, ult them in the back and spam Arc stars getting easy cracks or knocks. Those issues have to be addressed, why Horizon makes no sound at all?”

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Another player in the thread noted how the situation is similar to Octane, another Legend that the community took issue with a few seasons ago. “You’ll get crucified for this but the people with brains it makes sense. Same issue with octane several seasons ago,” they said.

“This 1000%. She’s ridiculous. If anyone should be this silent it’s Rev,” said another.

With Season 16’s release being just a few weeks out, it’d be a great opportunity for the devs to make a few changes.

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