Apex Legends players offer simple Caustic buff that would make an ideal teammate

Caustic in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

A simple buff to Caustic could make the Legend a perfect teammate to play with in Apex Legends.

Teamwork is a critical aspect of winning your Apex Legends matches. But, sadly, not everybody has the means to do so, leading to some miscommunication between players.

However, one fan has suggested a way to make improvements. While it’s not much of a change, a simple buff to Caustic could make him the ideal teammate to play with.

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Caustic Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Caustic is a deadly Legend with poisonous gas-based abilities.

A thread posted in the Apex Legends subreddit on July 9 by player Xemrin suggests a small change to Caustic which the community seems to be completely on board with.

Fans are suggesting an audio cue be added that notifies Caustic’s teammates when his traps are used.

“Give Caustic dialogue to notify his team when his trap gets tripped or deactivated,” said the player, noting that other Legends have a similar audio queue. “As Wattson does with her fences,” they added.

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Others were entertained by the idea, with some making some hilarious suggestions that would make the change questionably better. “How about instead a simple fart sound triggers whenever a trap activates,” said one.

Another reminded others that Wattson only gets an audio cue when her fence is crossed, not when it’s destroyed. “Wattson only gets a voice line when someone crosses her fence, not when they destroy it. Both of them should get this, both for being destroyed and being triggered. I don’t know why it hasn’t happened yet,” they noted.

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“I’ve wanted something like this since season 3, especially since half the time my teammates don’t react when I ping that someone’s behind us or wherever my trap was,” another wrote.

It’s certainly an idea that could come to fruition in-game. But with the popular battle royale currently plagued with bugs and exploits, it’s likely we’ll see those taken care of before the devs work on anything else.