Apex Legends players find major problem “ruining” the Gold Longbow

Apex Legends sniperRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players have been left very frustrated by the Digital Threat scope that comes as an attachment with the gold Longbow and other in-game snipers.

In Apex Legends, a player’s weapons and resources in-game are all determined by what loot they find once they’ve dropped into the map. This loot can come in the form of various rarities and typically, the higher the rarity, the better the item.

If players are lucky, they’ll occasionally find a gold gun that is kitted out with some of the best attachments for that weapon. However, the game’s legendary snipers, in particular the Longbow, comes with the 4x-10x Digital Threat scope that some Apex players think completely ruins the weapon.

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Apex Legends LongbowRespawn Entertainment
The Longbow DMR is one of the most popular snipers in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends players frustrated by Digi Threat scope

It’s not every game that Apex players find a gold gun in-game, so when they do, they’re expecting all of the very best attachments on that weapon. Unfortunately, a lot of them come with unfavorable attachments that according to YouTuber Zeus, can be completely “ruining” the weapons.

The primary complaint is that the scope’s 4x-10x magnification is unusable at close to medium range. On top of this, the sight itself is incredibly wide, making it extremely difficult to keep track of an enemy.

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Although the scope does highlight enemies in red making them easy to see from a distance, for a lot of players, that’s not a good enough reason to use the legendary snipers.

Despite the frustration surrounding the gold sniper scopes, a number of replies to the tweet did suggest some simple fixes that Respawn could implement.

“They should change it to an ACOG 2-4 scope and then give it Digi Threat but only on gold snipers,” one commenter wrote. Another suggested: “Give me a 2x-4x, add thermal and you’ve got a gold sniper.”

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It’s obvious that a lot of Apex players are not satisfied with the Digital Threat scope that is currently attached to legendary snipers across the map. However, some possible solutions have been put forward by the player base.

Whether or not this will be changed, however, remains to be seen.