Apex Legends players furious with “unplayable” lag “ruining” Season 20

Apex Legends player shows why they should never be the jumpmasterRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players are claiming the battle royale is currently “unplayable” as lag issues are “ruining” the game following Season 20’s release.

Apex Legends Season 20 launched on February 13, bringing a long-needed breath of fresh air to the battle royale. While there were no major additions, the update was still packed.

Legend Upgrades were the biggest addition in the Season 20 patch, but they came with an overhaul to the Ranked system, the long-awaited 120fps next-gen console upgrade, and a ton of Legend tweaks. Season 20 of Apex Legends is, in many ways, a very different game.

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But, nevertheless, players are lashing out with their frustrations, calling the game “unplayable” due to the connection issues that have emerged since Season 20’s release.

Apex Legends lag issues are “ruining” Season 20

In a Reddit post on February 18, an Apex Legends player claimed the battle royale is “ruined” as they’ve encountered some of the “worst lag they’ve experienced” in any game since the update.

“I started playing Apex halfway through ignite so this is my first season start. Is this normal? The lag is the worst lag I’ve experienced in a game and it’s every game except when I play Mixtape,” they explained.

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The player added: “Last match I played I started getting shot at and turned to run through a door. The lag then jumped me backwards as if Spiderman himself has slingshot me. It was so ridiculous I just burst out laughing.”

In the replies, others explained their own experiences, with some claiming Apex has become “unplayable” as a result of the networking issues in the game.

“I have had bad lags every other day and it’s unplayable,” said one. “I’m having high ping on SG servers since last season. I used to get 20ms but now it’s 200ms. Sh*ts infuriating,” wrote another.

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“Yeah my game will freeze basically for 5 seconds once or twice every match. Got me killed a few times lol. Never happened before the update,” one player explained.

A bunch of small posts have popped up on the subreddit, making it clear many players are having this issue. And, while it could be the fault of the players’ internet in some cases, the sheer quantity of users hitting out at the game’s servers make it likely something else is going on here.

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For now, we’ll just have to cross our fingers and see if the devs find whatever’s causing the issue.