Apex Legends players find devastating exploit in Three Strikes LTM

apex legends wraith and octane season 19Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players have discovered an exploit in the Three Strikes LTM that allows knocked players to be finished off.

Apex Legends Three Strikes LTM has been a huge hit with the community, with many claiming the game mode has brought pure chaotic fun back to the battle royale.

For those who may know, the LTM was introduced through the Post Malone collab event. The game mode allows for teams to respawn with full gear up to three times, revive teammates quickly, and prevent damage when knocked.

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Unfortunately, it seems a newly discovered exploit has invalidated one of those key features, which could prove to be very frustrating for some players.

Apex Legends fans discover new Three Strikes exploit

The exploit was shared by a user named MirageGod on the Apex Legends subreddit, in a post titled, “So this is a thing in Three Strikes…”

The post included a brief video where a squad found a downed enemy Lifeline on Broken Moon. The squad then proceeded to melee the downed player into a pit.

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When a player falls into a pit while downed or otherwise, jets activate to give them a chance to boost back onto solid ground before their outright killed. These jets activated for the downed player, but their damage immunity was removed and they were killed by the opposing squad.

According to the video, this exploit allows downed players in this free-fall state to be susceptible to damage when they are supposed to be completely immune.

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Members of the community were worried that this exploit may become a big problem for the LTM, especially if Respawn eventually decides to make it permanent.

“I hope Respawn sees this if they’re considering putting it in mix tape after the event is over, seems like a massive oversight,” said one player.

Another fan in the comments claimed to have encountered an instance where they could perform a finisher on a downed Three Strikes player.

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Hopefully, Respawn will be able to catch wind of this exploit and rectify it in an upcoming patch should they decide to add Three Strikes to the Mix Tape LTM rotation going forward.