Apex Legends players dub Season 20 Ranked “the best” it’s ever been


Respawn has been praised for the Ranked Play changes in Season 20 that reverted much of the system to the style of Season 13.

Respawn changed Ranked Play in its massive Season 20 update back in February, reverting it to a similar system from Season 13 with some slight tweaks.

Apex players have not been a fan of the ranked system for the past few seasons, as it was too easy to climb to an inflated rank.

The developer reintroduced Ranked Points, made kills and placement more impactful for player’s rating, and also allowed players of any rank to queue together.

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Players praise Apex Legends Season 20 Ranked system

In a Reddit post titled “Ranked is the best it’s ever been,” user isaac-get-the-golem explained how Season 20 is heads and shoulders above past seasons.

“I’ve been playing since season 0, and playing ranked most seasons since then. There has never been a better season of Apex. Many of my friends who quit the game completely have come back and described the sensation as ‘addictive.’ I went from struggling to find a 3rd to having 6 people clamoring for a stack every night,” they said.

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The player listed gameplay reasons for his conclusion like the EVO system changes, and Ranked, like how kills and placement no matter more compared to previous seasons.

Other players in the comments somewhat agreed with the take, withholding the “best” title due to small gripes with some other aspects of the game.

“I wouldn’t say it’s the best but it’s a huge improvement over the last couple of seasons. They just need to balance placement and kills a little more,” one commenter said.

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“My only complaint is Olympus is f****** trash. If anyone is on the same half of the map have fun getting 3rd partied. Also, good luck rotating into ring and having to fight 5 teams rotating through the same 3 chokes,” another commenter explained.

Players on console might also have a bone to pick with the post, as the community has complained of players in their lobbies teaming up with enemy squads to game the ranked system.

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Outside of that, which might be entirely out of Respawn’s control, players seem to be enjoying the radical changes put forward in Season 20.