Apex Legends players demand Revenant nerfs as he takes over the meta

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Apex Legends players are demanding that Revenant receive some kind of nerf in the future as his overloaded kit is running rampant in high elo play.

Revenant is only a few months off of his rework and players are already calling for him to be toned down. The Legend was not touched in the Season 20 update, and Respawn seems to think he is in a good spot in the overall meta.

The Legend’s last big change was over six months ago, as his ultimate was drastically toned down, though his tactical got a small quality of life buff.

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Now, players are back to complaining about the Legend, although this time they are saying he is being abused by high elo players.

Revenant too powerful according to players

In a post titled “So, is Revenant just going to stay like this?” Reddit user artmorte laid out just how strong that character is at the moment.

“Has a good movement ability that is further buffed by perks. And the ultimate… So much free HP that regenerates, too. Especially now that getting purple and red armors is pushed later into a match, his 75 HP overheal is even better than before. I don’t know, man, I get that his old ultimate was underwhelming, but this “have a bunch of extra health” re-work just isn’t it. Way too op in close-range situations,” the user said.

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Other players confirmed that it felt nigh impossible to kill the Legend in close-quarter fights.

“I once had 318 dmg on a rev conduit combo and was still unable to down him. 10/10 game design,” another player said.

The Legend is, however, difficult for some players to master as its pick rate hits just over 15% at about Diamond level.

“I really hope he isn’t just left alone now, because it feels so bs to fight an ulting Rev,” artmote said.

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Respawn has yet to reveal what is coming in the next Apex Legends update, but high-elo players are demanding the developer take a look at Revenant.