Apex Legends players convinced they die much faster in Season 20

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Much of the Apex Legends community is certain that the game’s time to kill has been decreased with the release of the Season 20 update.

February 13th saw the release of the Season 20 update for Apex Legends, bringing some tweaks and changes to the popular battle royale.

While there are some changes have been appreciated by the community, there are others that have not hit home quite as well.

This includes the game’s time to kill, which the Apex Legends playerbase is convinced has been shortened excessively.

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Apex Legends players claim that Season 20 has quicker deaths

Apex Legends characters running and aiming offscreenRespawn Entertainment

The issue was brought up over on the Apex Legends subreddit, where a frustrated player made a post titled: “Anyone else dying extremely quickly since season 20 update?”

They have experienced this in both the game’s casual and ranked play modes, and that it is really hampering their experience in the game.

Based on the responses in the thread, it appears that others have been noticing something similar:

“THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I’VE BEEN FEELING OMG!!! I’m pretty decent but I’m dying so fast … I’ve rage quit the game like 3 times today lol.”

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That said, many Apex Legends fans have mentioned that this kind of thing happens all the time whenever a new season begins.

“It’s because every single master and pred player has their MMR and rank reset and are scattered through bronze silver and gold in order to climb up.”

This lowered time to kill goes both ways, and only those who run through multiple squads or take extended firefights will be getting red shields in Season 20. So, while the time to kill may feel lower, it’s also likely that players just need some time to get used to the new season.

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