Apex Legends players convinced Ash got secretly nerfed in Season 20 update

Ash Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players are convinced Ash has been hit with a secret nerf in the Season 20: Breakout update that delays her Arc Snare tactical even further. 

The last few seasons of Apex Legends have been a bit up and down for Respawn’s battle royale. At times, the player count has dropped off a cliff as fans have been tired of ongoing issues in the Apex Games, but Season 20 is aimed at changing many of those. 

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Season 20 hasn’t added a new Legend to the mix, but Legend upgrades and shields have been overhauled. You now have the ability to upgrade your Legend during a match – typically in the early-to-mid game period – with these upgrades being things like overhauling the current tactical ability or something different altogether. 

Of course, the new season has also brought about some changes to the current crop of Legends, but there is one tweak that has got players backs up – and that’s because it wasn’t mentioned by Respawn. 

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Ash quietly nerfed again in Apex Legends Season 20

Apex Legends fan Blinky-doo was left frustrated after uncovering the fact that the cooldown on Ash’s Arc Snare tactical has been increased. 

“Respawn found a way to nerf the worst legend in the game. The snare cooldown is now 25s even without leveling up. It was 20s before,” they said before claiming that Ash is “dead” if the change isn’t a bug.

Players quickly tested Ash’s abilities to see if it was just an issue on one end, but quickly noted that it appears to be the case across both console and PC. 

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“Glad someone caught it. It honestly would be too easy for them to stealth nerf/add a few seconds to any tactical or ultimate and not say anything,” another said. “Love Ash, but she’s been dead… and this is the nail in the coffin,” added another. 

Other players urged Respawn to make good on the “tragic” change, but it remains to be seen if they will do so anytime soon.