Apex Legends players claim Warzone 2.0 made them “respect” Apex more

apex legends and warzone 2Respawn Entertainment, Activision

Apex Legends players are finding a newfound appreciation for Respawn’s battle royale after diving into Warzone 2 and becoming frustrated with the sequel’s divisive gameplay.

Warzone 2 promises plenty of new features for Call of Duty players, but the fresh battle royale experience has already spawned an army of detractors.

Many players are already blasting through Modern Warfare 2’s battle pass, while Apex Legends players dabble with their first taste of Activision’s shooter.

After forming their initial impressions of Warzone 2, Apex players are showing their rejuvenated praise for Respawn Entertainment following a lackluster experience with the CoD BR.

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Apex Legends stands as the “king” of BRs over Warzone 2, claim disappointed players

Within the Apex Legends subreddit, avid player and Redditor cohaaaxo explained “I tried warzone 2.0 (first time warzone) and I started respecting apex more.”

The frustrated player cited muddled controls after finding that Warzone 2 didn’t have “better movement” than Respawn’s BR: “I feel so disappointed at warzone and aim assists on controller feel sooo op in Warzone.”

“Apex is king of battle royals right now and people who tell the opposite either didn’t try Apex or they just suck at Apex,” continued the Redditor.

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An abundance of Apex players shared the same perspective, with fellow player Aixcix joining in the conversation: “Playing other BRs and Legend Shooters make me realize how freaking good the core gameplay of Apex is.”

“I’m the same, I played Warzone yesterday for the first time and it will be the last time. The games are so long and boring, the loot and graphics all suck,” added Redditor RamboSambo7.

However, Warzone 2 did manage to find a few defenders of its BR gameplay. Player asj9819 said, “I played Warzone 2 for a day and it was more fun than this game because I didn’t have to sweat too much and it has a bigger map and matchmaking makes somewhat more sense, at least I didn’t feel skill gap in pubs.”

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Modern Warfare 2’s first season is currently underway and if you’re diving into Warzone 2, make sure you’ve got the best loadouts set up for securing the dub.

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