Apex Legends players claim new Promotional Trials are “ruining” the game

Wraith in green skin in Apex legends Season 14Respawn/EA

Apex Legends fans have hit out at the new Promotional Trials, explaining they are “ruining” the game as they change player behavior.

For a long time, the Apex Legends community have taken issue with the devs when it comes to ranked play, with many pleading for changes as the system pushed “ratters” to hide from their opponents rather than playing as intended in hopes of ranking up.

With the release of Season 19, the devs attempted to tackle the issue head-on, forcing players to complete promotional trials to prove their worth before they can rank up to the next tier. However, the community is already hitting out at the change, claiming it’s “ruining” the game

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Apex Legends fans claim Promotional Trials “ruins” the game

In a November 5 Reddit thread, one Apex Legends player started a discussion regarding Promotional Trials, which they claim is “ruining the quality of the game.”

“Ratting and avoiding fights has always been an issue in ranked,” they explained. “But with the promotional trials requiring multiple top 5s or wins to rank up it’s encouraging this behavior exponentially more.

“Pretty much every game we would take a fight and our third would dip immediately — including fights where we had the clear upper hand like when one of the enemies was knocked or we had better positioning.”

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They added: “As more and more people get stuck in the promotional trials it’s going to lead to extremely passive behavior across the board — everybody playing selfishly and trying to get their top 5 rather than playing as a team or working together. And it’s ruining the quality of the game even more.”

Others in the replies agreed, with some claiming the concept of promotional trials is “horrible” and that instead of discouraging ratting, the change is only increasing it.

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The devs are yet to respond to concerns from the community. However, we’ll be sure to keep you updated when they do.