Apex Legends players call for Vantage nerf following leaked bullet size image

apex legends vantage headerRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players call for Vantage’s Ultimate ability to be nerfed following a leak that shows how large her sniper bullets are.

Apex Legends’ Season 14 character Vantage has proven to be an interesting Legend over the course of her introductory Season thanks to her excellent mobility, recon, and long-range damage.

However, some fans think that Vantage may be a bit too powerful, especially in regards to her Ultimate ability’s sniper rifle.

Now, leaked images approximating just how large Vantage’s sniper bullets are have led to some fans calling for Respawn to nerf the Recon Legend in Season 15.

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Apex Legends players call for Vantage nerf

Prominent Apex Legends leaker SomeoneWhoLeaks tweeted out an image showing an approximation of the bullet size of Vantage’s Ultimate ability.

The image represents the size that Vantage’s sniper bullet increases over the distance it’s traveled versus the size of bullets from the other sniper rifles in the game.

“This is roughly Vantage’s ult bullet size (10.0) V.S any other sniper bullet (2.0) in the game. Bullet size is based on meters traveled (0 min-300 max). We’ve known that the max distance bullet was 5x bigger than other snipers, but seeing it is wild.”

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While SWL claimed that while the image is “not 100% accurate” it is close to reality and that “reducing the bullet size to be in line with all other snipers is necessary.”

Though many wondered if a nerf was really necessary considering her Ultimate ability is supposed to be powerful, others offered perspective on why it may be a bit too powerful.

“If it’s the same size of the other snipers then what’s the point of it being an ult?” asked Twitter user trippyminded_, to which another user replied, “Is having a 3rd gun, a sniper with a scope for free – that also tags and gives a damage boost, not an ultimate enough?”

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Alternatively, others wondered if maybe the bullet damage should be reduced for consecutive shots. ASavageBeaverYT said,”…It needs to be dropped and maybe do 50-75-100.”

This isn’t the first time players have called for Vantage’s bullet size to be reigned in, as pro players like Mande have also found issues with her Ultimate ability.

Of course, whether or not Vangtage’s Ultimate will be nerfed or not remains to be seen as Apex Legends Season 15 is set to launch on November 1.

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