Apex Legends players call for Respawn to copy Call of Duty’s new anti-cheat measure

Apex legends logo next to Nemesis ARRespawn Entertainment

Call of Duty has implemented a new controller-based anti-cheat function and Apex Legends players are ready for Respawn to follow suit.

Cheating has been a huge point of conversation in both the Call of Duty and Apex Legends communities. Both franchises have been plagued with cheaters, and while they both have their unique ways of taking care of these things, CoD recently took a huge step forward with the implementation of Cronus & XIM recognition.

For those out of the loop, a Cronus is a controller emulation device that allows players to add various cheats to their arsenal, even in online games. A XIM is simply an adapter that allows players to use a mouse & keyboard setup by fooling the console into believing it’s a controller.

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This is a problem as it gives players a massive advantage over the competition and Apex fans are ready for their version of this cheat protection.

Apex Legends players want Respawn to copy Call of Duty

The call was made by a player on the Apex Legends subreddit. They simply noted that it would be nice for the Apex Legends devs to mirror the competition with their preventative system.

“OD has just announced an update to Ricochet to combat Cronus and XIM. Ubisoft just a few weeks ago announced the same for Rainbow 6. Bungie commented in February that they were looking to combat it. Epic has already introduced a system to permaban users in Fortnite,” they said.

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“It would be nice if Respawn could indicate a move in the same direction. There certainly has been enough talk and documentation about this issue in Apex to warrant a comment.”

Another user admitted that they’re shocked by Respawn not having released a statement of their own about the problem. “Cronus and Boosters are plaguing ranked for a while now. No acknowledgments from Respawn (that I’m aware of) have been made.”

Others cited fear that cheaters from other titles may “flock” to Apex in light of all the other major companies attempting to set strict punishments for bending the rules.

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Respawn has a history of playing security-related topics close to the chest, so it’s best to stay tuned into the latest news for any official updates or anti-cheat plans.