Apex Legends players call for major sound changes in response to Season 16 feature

Apex Legends ValkyrieRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players have once more called for major sound changes after a new Season 16 feature continues to leave the community puzzled.

After months of anticipation, Season 16 has finally been released, giving the community a much-needed refresh. Paired with the new season also came the anniversary celebration event — marking four years since the battle royale was released.

As part of the anniversary celebrations, planes will fly overhead during matches. However, it leaves many players confused, as the trails and sounds are reminiscent of Valkyrie’s ultimate or the revive drop-ship.

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In a February 18 Reddit thread, Apex Legends fan ‘mafieth’ voiced their frustrations with the sound cue caused by the aircraft — criticizing the devs’ mistake of making it sound incredibly similar to in-game events.

“Mini heart attack every game,” they said. “Environment SHOULD NOT have the same sounds as core game events. This is even worse than Lightning Rod on Storm Point.”

The community also agreed for the most part, with many detailing their experiences with the sound cue which left them absolutely baffled.

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“I couldn’t figure out what the noise was, then saw the trails and I thought I was getting Valk Ulted on while I was isolated from my team,” said one.

“I only find it annoying cus I keep thinking someone is getting rezed,” wrote another. “I look up in the air like a dumb*ss every time I hear this,” a player joked.

It’s certainly a frustrating distraction for players, although it’s unclear whether or not the Respawn devs will actually make some necessary changes.

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