Apex Legends players call for major change to “useless” early game loot

Horizon looking sad in Apex LegendsRespawn/EA

Apex Legends players have called on Respawn to remove one “useless” piece of early game loot and claimed it just takes up space in deathboxes.

Apex Legends has plenty of loot for players to collect once they drop into their battle royale matches. From guns to ammo to armor, there are plenty of resources players need to scoop up upon landing.

Over the years, developer Respawn has made different changes to the game’s loot system, removing things the team found unnecessary or tweaking the amount certain items spawned in.

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Now, fans have requested the developer finally get rid of one item that some players have claimed is “useless:” the White Helmet.

Apex Legends fans want White Helmets gone

A post on the Apex Legends subreddit sparked a discussion among the community after one player made a post titled, “Why is this still in the game.”

The OP explained, “No seriously. If everyone spawns with a white helmet and only ever removes it when coming across a higher tier one why does this still need to be in the game? To me this just looks like a useless item that takes up space in everyones deathbox.”

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If the dev team were to get rid of the White Helmet, they suggested that Respawn could simply nerf player’s base headshot multiplier.

Many fans argued that the White Helmet is in fact gone from the loot pool and that any found on the ground are those already discarded by players.

“They’re not in the loot pool. if you find any on the ground, they were dropped by players who swapped to a better helmet.”

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Additionally, fans argued that getting rid of the White Helmet would cause more problems than it would solve. “Removing it from the death box is gonna mess with people’s muscle memory.”

The player referenced a change Respawn made to swapping weapon attachments, “In theory, it was a more logical button layout, but it messed with everyone’s muscle memory and people hated it so much that they reverted back the change.”

However, the OP was not alone in their thinking. “I tried explaining this to someone and I got downvoted to hell. I completely agree with OP,” said one fan, while another suggested, “They should just tie the helmet with the level armor you have. This reeks of old battle royale energy.”

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Whether or not Respawn will ever make this change remains to be seen, as it may simply be more trouble than its worth in the long run.