Apex Legends players call for Maggie buffs as Season 12 pick rate slumps

Mad Maggie Pick rateRespawn Entertainment

After showing out early during her release in Season 12, Mad Maggie has steadily begun to drop in popularity, something that some Apex Legends players want to be changed with buffs.

Apex Legends Season 12 was released on February 8 and not only did it signify tons of new content for fans to enjoy but it also gave the game its 20th legend, Mad Maggie.

The Rebel Warlord from Salvo was a smash hit to begin the season as she shook up the meta and became the third most-used Legend just behind Octane and Wraith.

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But since then, she has seen a steady decline in popularity dropping down to 12th place, raising concerns for fans.

Apex Legends players call for Mad Maggie buffs amidst popularity decline

It’s normal for new Legends to drop in popularity a few weeks after their release. As time goes on, players either get bored or find that the kit and abilities aren’t as good as others, which leads to questions pertaining to their place in the meta.

That’s where Reddit user Supercomfyplanet on the official Apex Legends subreddit comes in, as with that in mind, they questioned Mad Maggie’s place in the meta.

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“Do you still think she’s balanced or in need of buffs?” they asked, using a screenshot from apexlegendsstatus.com.

“Mad Maggie is now 12th in terms of pick rate,” said Supercomfyplanet. “We’ve not even halfway through the season yet. do you still think she’s balanced or in need of buffs?”

In response to this, others on the thread gave their differing thoughts. “She’s only good if you’re a pusher and wanna swing first,” said one. Plus maybe people are playing the free champs we got.”

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“I think her ball needs to do more damage than just 5, 10, or 15 seems more reasonable,” said another.

mad maggieRespawn Entertainment
The Legend’s popularity has plummeted.

Mad Maggie has dropped down in popularity by a 16.54%, going down a total of nine spots on the pick-rate list.

Only time will tell if Respawn Entertainment will look to change that.