Apex Legends players blast Respawn for ‘abandoning’ Arenas in Season 15


Apex Legends players have taken a few swipes at Respawn Entertainment, claiming that they’ve “abandoned” the Arenas mode in recent weeks.

At the start of Season 9, Respawn Entertainment added another permanent mode to Apex Legends in the form of Arenas. The 3v3 mode, if you still haven’t touched it, works a bit like Counter-Strike where you have to work with an economy each round to decide your loadout.

Naturally, it got a lot of love when it was a new addition, and has received a number of updates since. However, it’s been six seasons since Arenas was introduced, and some players have walked away from it.

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Of course, not everyone has turned their back on the mode, and there are some Apex Legends fans who specifically only play Arenas. However, that’s becoming increasingly difficult due to an apparent lack of support from the devs.

Apex Legends players claim Respawn have “abandoned” Arenas mode

It was something that Redditor DrixxYBoat flagged on November 29, stating that Respawn have “abandoned” Arenas by “ignoring” the issues that the mode has and not changing things up.

“We’ve had nearly the same exact map rotation for several seasons now despite there being other arenas maps in the vault,” they posted. “How do devs expect us to play Party Crasher for 2 years straight and not get bored?”

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The Redditor pointed to a lack of variety with the circle collapses, no weapon updates in five seasons, as well as problems with matchmaking as a whole. “The community ignores arenas these days, as the matchmaking alone is just… wow, however, the devs ignoring arenas is insane,” they added.

A number of other fans echoed those thoughts, questioning the lack of support. “Respawn and abandoning their projects, a tale as old as time,” added one. “Hey now they gave you stickers,” joked another. “Arenas was a wasted opportunity,” commented another.

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There is clearly an appetite for changes, but it remains to be seen if Respawn will, in fact, give Arenas some love.