Apex Legends players beg for Three Strikes LTM to stay as permanent mode

Mirage in Apex Legends aiming gun at enemyRespawn/EA

Apex Legends players have pleaded to the Respawn devs for the popular Three Strikes LTM to stay as permanent game mode.

We’ve seen many limited-time modes come and go since Apex Legend’s release, with the latest of them being the addition of the Three Strikes LTM alongside the battle royale’s recent Post Malone crossover event in early November.

The Three Strikes LTM gives players three strikes before they’re eliminated for good, which many claim has “brought back joy” to the game. The mode was received so well that the devs even brought it back for a short period.

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However, players are now pleading for the mode to stay permanently as another way to enjoy the popular battle royale.

Apex Legends players want Three Strikes LTM to stay

In a recent November 28 Reddit thread, one player called for the devs to keep the LTM. “Keep Three Strikes to permanently refine gun skill and movement please,” the player wrote, alongside sharing a video showing off their skill with the Kraber.

Others in the replies are keen for the game mode to stay too, with many players claiming they’ll miss the LTM once it’s gone. “Just won my last game before it’s over, gonna miss this mode,” said one.

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Some went further and claimed that Three Strikes is “infinitely better” than Mixtape, Apex’s permanent playlist with a rotation of Team Deathmatch, Control, and Gun Run.

Not only that, but many have called on the devs to make more “wacky” game modes, explaining it helps the casual player base.

While the LTM is now gone, there’s always a chance we could see the mode return over holiday periods. Furthermore, it wouldn’t be out of the question for it to return permanently given how much it was loved.

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