Apex Legends players baffled by Loba buff that “makes no sense” in Season 23

Loba from Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

Loba’s new buff in Apex Legends “makes no sense” according to players as they’re still annoyed by the massive nerf to Pathfinder.

For the longest time, Pathfinder has been the most popular character in Apex Legends. However, that status is under threat after his nerf in the mid-season 23 update

In the new patch, the cooldown on Pathy’s grappling hook ability has been changed and set as a standard 30 seconds instead of the 10-30 second variable. That change has upset a lot of fans as they’ve been calling it “egregious” and “crazy work.

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As Pathfinder has been nerfed, Loba has received a buff, allowing her to use two teleports in quick succession. That has annoyed some players who are still upset by the nerf to Pathy. 

Loba buff has Apex Legends fans upset about Pathfinder nerf 

“Two Loba teleports makes no sense when Pathfinder’s Q got nerfed,” Redditor anidevv stated

“Why is Loba, a support legend, having more outplay potential and movement than legends such as Revenant and Pathfinder? Why is Pathfinder grappling every 20 seconds bad but Loba being able to disengage and rat any situation with 2 free tps good?”

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That complaint quickly garnered support as fans questioned the devs. “Their balance team baffles me. Quite frankly, they don’t try to balance anything. They just kinda decide what the meta is,” one said. 

“I think 99% of the devs decisions are driven by staring at a graph of who picks what legend and then just changing the entire game around to make those lines moved up and down.  Nothing else makes sense,” another added.

Loba Apex Legends buffRespawn Entertainment
Loba has a 13% pick rate in Season 23 now.

Other players argued that changes are fine as Loba “can’t do the same wacky movement” as Pathfinder. 

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“She got 2 teleports because they deleted the range upgrade perk,” they added.

The Pathfinder nerf has seen his popularity start to tumble. As noted, he had been the most-used legend in Apex, but he has since fallen to third as per ApexLegendsStatus

These changes aren’t the only ones that are annoying fans, however. Mirage is “beyond broken” now that he can go invisible while healing and sneak up on enemies with no audio cues.

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