Apex Legends players baffled by “extremely slow” movement after Season 20 update

Apex Legends punch boostRespawn Entertainment

Some Apex Legends players are frustrated after experiencing “extremely slow” movement issues in game.

Apex Legends Season 20 brought an immense overhaul to many game mechanics and tools that have been present since the battle royale’s release, like the massive change to shields.

This removed all shields from ground loot, forcing Apex players to level up their own shields, and also granted players the option to get perks upon moving up a tier.

Players have been enjoying this change, feeling that it has made the game more competitive and not so luck-based, however, some people have felt that Respawn’s update has introduced some movement issues to the game.

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Apex Legends players frustrated with inconsistent movement

One player shared their frustrations on social media, complaining that something felt off about the movement in Apex Legends Season 20.

“Movement is different,” they said. “I feel extremely slow. Feels like I lose momentum faster and need more to slide.”

Other players agreed that they had been having some strange movement issues that had been negatively affecting their gameplay experience.

“I get deadslides and weird slowdowns from time to time, feels kinda like rubberbanding but there’s no connection symbols or packet loss, idk what’s up,” said one player.

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Man, multiple times this season when I’m trying to get cover, I go for a slide, and I end up just crouch walking. Also had some issues with ziplines, seems like a delay when I interact with it, but no symbols for me either,” agreed another.

However, while some players had been experiencing negative movement effects, others reported that movement issues from the previous season had been fixed with the new update, so it seems to vary per individual. If Respawn issues a change we will be sure to keep you updated via our dedicated Apex Legends page.

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