Apex Legends players are upset with new event taking place of Trios

Apex Legends characters standing near Buster Sword in the groundEA

The newest limited-time event for Apex Legends has replaced the game’s base Trios mode, and fans are not happy about it.

Every so often, a game will release a limited-time mode to get players to come back and play, usually offering some sort of special reward for playing.

Just recently, Apex Legends introduced a new Final Fantasy event for a short period of time and it has replaced the game’s typical Trios mode.

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Players, however, are not happy about this and want the devs to add Trios back into the mix.

Apex Legends fans are unhappy the new event replaced Trios

The frustrations of the community were shared in a post on Apex Legends’ subreddit, titled: “Kinda wish the new event didn’t take the place of normal trios.”

In the post, the player explains, “It kinda blows that my friends and I can’t play trios for the next few weeks without the gimmick stuff in it.”

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The Redditor mentions that they wish Respawn had made a separate playlist for the FInal Fantasy event, similar to other limited-time modes in the past.

Some comments explained that Respawn tends to only create a separate playlist for specific situations: “If its similar enough, then they would make pubs into the ltm. If its too different… then itll have a separate one.”

Other players are also disappointed in the inability to play the usual game mode, with one user saying, “Same. It sucks that its not a seperate mode. I enjoy playing regular battle royale, now its just ppl running with swords…”

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This isn’t to say that others aren’t okay with it, though, as one player responded: “I don’t really have a problem with it. All the goofy gimmicks are nice change of pace.”

Another user pointed out that people wouldn’t play the new mode if it had its own playlist, so Respawn had to put it into the main rotation.

Fortunately, detractors of the new mode won’t have to wait too long for things to go back to normal as the Final Fantasy ends on January 30th.

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