Apex Legends player shows why they should never be the jumpmaster

Apex Legends player shows why they should never be the jumpmasterRespawn Entertainment

Being the jumpmaster is never easy, as one Apex Legends player shows why they should never hold the title again.

Upon picking up Apex Legends, you’ll find there’s a lot to learn in the battle royale made by Respawn Entertainment.

From mastering all the playable characters to understanding optimal looting strategies, there’s plenty to learn to dominate the competition.

One of the most underrated skills to have is good jumpmaster etiquette, as you must lead your team to safety while setting the tone for a good match start. Unfortunately for this Apex Legends player, they’re keenly aware of how lacking their tech is.

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Apex Legends player lands team outside of the playable area

The title of jumpmaster has been a filler of sorts, as other battle royale games let players jump at their whim. Developer Respawn Entertainment takes this position seriously; when the jumpmaster jumps, everyone jumps.

One Apex Legends player got stuck with the role, leading their team on a ride of a lifetime. Landing on the side of the turbine, they slid down the map through the out-of-bounds areas.

With the timer flashing red, the jumpmaster managed to navigate back to the safe area. Their teammates did not, leaving death boxes raining from above.

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Normally, a situation like this wouldn’t have been a problem. The player could’ve picked up both banners and beelined to the nearest respawn beacon.

However, the gravity of the situation sinks in as Newcastle’s box looks from above, stuck on the edge of the building.

The community response was also aware of the mishap, with one user saying “Bro thinks hes horizon.” 

It all ends with the ironic “You’re safe with Gibraltar.”

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