Apex Legends player finds perfect hiding spot on Olympus to dupe enemies

Olympus apex legendsRespawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends player has found the perfect hiding spot to evade enemies, heal up, and rain down bullets on unsuspecting targets. This is definitely a location on Olympus that every Apex player should know about. 

An important aspect of any Battle Royale title is knowing the maps inside-out. That’s certainly no different for Apex Legends and the new Season 7 map, Olympus. The map has only been available for just over a week and players have already found some incredible hiding spots and vantage points.

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One of these secret spots is now doing the rounds online, so it’s perhaps fair to say the location is no longer much of a secret, but it’s certainly worth knowing for your next game.

Respawn Entertainment
The hiding spot is located at the unmarked Research Basin area.

Perfect hiding spot near Research Basin

The Reddit thread on the location includes a video of a player showing exactly how to access the spot. As this location is always busy, having a nook you can dive into for cover can come in clutch.

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The cave-like hiding place is located near Research Basin, on the cliff face north of Hammond Labs. With all the action here, knowing this spot could be really helpful to reset your health and dupe your opponent.

It’s worth noting that this spot can be used both defensively and offensively. A player may choose to utilize this spot for cover or to rain down bullets on unsuspecting enemies below. On top of this, secret locations can sometimes be difficult to access, making them inconvenient to use on the fly. Luckily, as displayed in the video, this spot will be relatively easy for players to utilize with a bit of practice.
It’s fair to say Olympus is garnering a bit of a reputation for it’s interesting and unique hiding spots. One Reddit user on the thread commented: “Damn, another freaking secret hide away! I swear this map has so many places you can hide.”
It’s obvious there’s a lot of excitement around Olympus and it’s interesting hiding spots. In designing unique spots like this, Respawn offers an element of discovery for players that isn’t seen very often in Battle Royale titles.