Apex Legends player devastated after 7-year-old spends Heirloom Shards

Respawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends player was left feeling defeated after he discovered his 7-year-old had spent the Mythic Shards he’d been saving for over a year.

Apex Legends has a plethora of different cosmetic items that players can earn, but the rarest cosmetics in the game are known as Heirlooms.

Heirloom Shards are randomly obtained by opening Apex Packs, with each pack having a less than 1% chance of yielding these extremely rare shards.

The rarity of Heirloom Shards is why one Apex Legends player and father was left devastated after he discovered his 7-year-old had spent the Shards he’d been saving for over a year.

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Apex Legends fan crushed after child spends Heirloom Shards

The player posted their sad tale on the Apex Legends subreddit, in a thread titled, “Kids spent my mythic shards…”

The OP explained, “I got em just solo queueing since day one, finally was rewarded last summer with my red gems and was saving em for a Fuse or Vantage heirloom.”

Unfortunately, it seems that wasn’t meant to be. “…Today, I saw my 7-year-old who just had his tonsils out happily twirling a kunai while running around the firing range trying to shoot his brother. A kunai – the pumpkin spice latte of heirlooms.”

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Members of the Apex community found the story hilarious, with many making jokes about the poor father’s misfortune. “You are a wraith Main now,” said one player.

Even a member of Respawn Entertainment took notice of the post, as the developer’s Community Manager Amy Thiessen said, “‘A kunai – the pumpkin spice latte of heirlooms.’ Choked on my water while reading this. Too real.”

To make matters worse, the player in question was unaware Fuse had recently received his Heirloom. “Dammit – I didn’t know, I only get an hour or so every couple days to play,” they said in response to another Reddit user breaking the bad news.

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Hopefully, this poor unfortunate soul will get another chance to snag the Heirloom of his dreams in the not-too-distant future.