Apex Legends player accidentally discovers lifesaving Vantage trick

Vantage in Apex LegendsApex Legends

Vantage is brand-new to Apex Legends so players are still uncovering the best methods to put the Sniper to use. While searching for rat spots on Kings Canyon, one player found that this Echo Relocation tick can be quite the lifesaver.

So far in Season 14, Vantage hasn’t been able to go a day without some new kind of movement technique being discovered in her kit.

Whether it be instantaneous superjumps or an odd spot of wall running, players have been putting the Pagos-native through the wringer and in doing so have struck pure gold.

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This time though, hypospadias0 was just trying to hunt down some fun hiding spots when they accidentally fell off the map but saved themselves thanks to Echo Relocation.

Apex Legends’ Vantage is basically immune to falling off the map

Just as they slipped off the side of the map, the curious Vantage player sent her friendly companion Echo upwards toward safety and triggered the Sniper’s tactical ability.

They continued to fall as the ability charged, but once it activated they came boosting back up toward the ledge and were able to scurry up the railing and back onto solid ground.

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The distance traversed was massive at its peak, meaning that Vantage players may have even more security from falling off the map than Pathfinder does with his iconic grappling hook.

This little tip might not be as mind-blowing as some of the other early Vantage discoveries, but it’s certainly more practical to pull off than many of those more complicated techniques and could end up saving tons of lives before it’s all said and done.

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While this might not have started off as a stress test for the tactical ability, there’s no doubt that the community will take note of just how far the young woman can travel when making it back to her adorable companion.