Apex Legends Olympus map guide: All POIs and locations

olympus apex legendsRespawn Entertainment

The third Apex Legends arena, Olympus, has finally landed in the Season 7: Ascension update giving players a brand new map to explore. To help navigate the floating city on Psamathe, we’ve compiled all of the points-of-interests (POIs) you’ll need to know before diving in.

Reminiscent of when World’s Edge first premiered, Apex Legends players are going to encounter a completely different aesthetic than what they’ve known before.

But Respawn didn’t just add a fresh coat of paint to existing elements in Apex. Instead, they’ve introduced expansive POIs while adding in new gameplay elements that spawn near specific places on the map.

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There are now vehicles in the battle royale in the form of The Trident, that spawns in the outer perimeter of Olympus. Meanwhile, three interconnected gateways called the Phase Runner lets players quickly portal to another part of the map.

All POIs

respawn pois olympus season 7

Olympus is huge. There are 16 POIs labeled on the map, and within them there are even more places to explore, especially if you’re rotating near a Phase Runner.

Player’s won’t be limited to where they’re dropping either, since the circular design of Olympus gives people two to three places to quickly rotate as they move around the map.

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POIs on Olympus

  • Velvet Oasis
  • Arcadia Supercarrier
  • Docks
  • Power Grid (Primary & Secondary)
  • Rift Aftermath
  • Central Turbine
  • Autumn Estates
  • Hammond Labs
  • Energy Depot (Underpass located within)
  • Golden Gardens
  • Grow Towers
  • Orbital Cannon Test Site
  • Solar Array
  • Bonsai Plaza
  • Hydroponics
  • Elysium

It should also be noted that many of these locales are separated by tight, narrow corridors or bridges; so it’s best to think ahead of how you want to navigate through the city.

Trident and Phase Runner locations

Knowing how to locate the two new gameplay mechanics in Apex Legends will be key to start formulating strategies or rotations on Olympus.

To start, know that the three-person, non-combative Trident vehicles can spawn in different locations throughout the map’s edge. We’ve highlighted where players could find the vehicle in the graphic below.

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As for the three Phase Runners on the map, players can navigate to Hydroponics, Hammond Labs, or Underpass that’s located near the Energy Depot.

There’s going to be a mild learning curve to get used to Olympus, but Apex Legends players have a sizable portion of Season 7 to get used to it before Respawn slots in World’s Edge back into the mix.