How to master the Mozambique in Apex Legends: tips, damage stats & DPS

Apex Legends Mozambique guideRespawn Entertainment / Dexerto

The Mozambique is Apex Legends’ most notorious gun, and not for a good reason. The shotgun pistol was once the worst weapon in the game. It arguably still is. However, if you’re stuck with the ‘bique, there’s some tricks you can utilize to fend off enemies.

The Mozambique isn’t as terrible as it once was. The Season 9 update increased its magazine capacity to six bullets, which is much better than when it had three. It’s by no means a gun you take with you the entire game, but it’s not useless in those fights right off the drop.

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If you are one of the unlucky souls that finds yourself scrapping it out with a Mozambique, don’t fear. We’ve got a couple of tricks for you so you can get the most out of the shotgun, before ditching it for another weapon entirely (please don’t run it all game).

Apex Legends screenshotRespawn Entertainment
The Mozambique is far from Apex Legends’ best gun, but it’s still usable…sort of.

Apex Legends Mozambique damage stats

The Mozambique doesn’t do a lot of damage, that’s for sure. The pistol hits for around 15 damage a pellet, so you need to be landing all three to be of value. The 180 RPM also means you run out of ammo pretty quickly before reloading with only four bullets in the chamber.

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The full damage breakdown for the Mozambique can be found below:

Body Part Per Pellet Total
Head 23 (1.5x) 69 (23×3)
Body 15 45 (15×3)
Leg 14 (0.9x) 42 (14×3)

Mozambique attachments

The Mozambique takes the same attachments as every other shotgun in the game ⁠— a scope, and a shotgun bolt. You can find the full list of all the available attachments below:


  • 1x Holo
  • 1x HCOG “Classic”
  • 2x HCOG “Bruiser”
  • 1x-2x Variable Holo
  • 1x Digital Threat

Shotgun Bolt

  • Common
  • Rare
  • Epic

Good to hold attachments, but not much else

Let’s just cut to the chase ⁠— if you find a gun that isn’t a Mozambique, you should pick it up to replace the shotgun. The Mozambique is one of the worst guns in the game.

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However, it does serve a purpose. If you want to run an EVA-8 Auto or a Mastiff, you can use the Mozambique to hold shotgun bolts and sights. At least it saves you two slots in your inventory then.

The "Bittersweet" recolor, which requires the Mozambique's Impulse Fire skin.Respawn Entertainment, via Shrugtal
The Mozambique was given a much-needed buff in Apex Legends Season 9.

Remember to scope in before shooting

If you are so unlucky that you have to use the Mozambique, then there’s one tip we can give you. You need to scope in before shooting, as it has a big impact on the gun’s spread. While the hipfire accuracy is okay, it’s a lot easier to fire if you look down sights.

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You also don’t get any movement penalties while scoping in, making it a win-win all around. You only have four bullets in the chamber, so giving yourself the best chance to hit them all by aiming down sights is your best bet.