Apex Legends Mirage concept gives him perfect heirloom finisher

apex legends mirage next to heirloomRespawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends player created the perfect heirloom finisher concept for the bumbling showman, Mirage, and players want it in the game.

Apex Legends’ various Legendary finishers and the incredibly rare heirlooms are some of the biggest status symbols in the battle royale.

Unfortunately, while heirlooms give players a lot of cosmetic items like banners, quips, and the heirloom itself, there’ve never been any heirloom-specific finishers.

Now, one Apex Legends player is creating heirloom finisher concepts and their concept for Mirage fits his boisterous personality perfectly.

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Mirage heirloom finisher concept is perfect

Mirage heirloom being held in apex legendsRespawn/EA
Though heirlooms come with special animations, it would be awesome if Respawn added special finishers tied to them as well.

The concept comes by way of Reddit user ‘PLConqueror‘ on the Apex Legends subreddit, who posted a six-second custom animation of the heirloom finisher.

The animation shows Mirage doing a mock acceptance of his “Best Competitor” trophy heirloom as the opponent tries to stand up next to him.

Mirage notices the downed opponent and swiftly knocks them out with the base of the trophy, before going back to admiring his heirloom.

Anyone who’s played Mirage in Apex Legends knows just how full of himself he can be, so this heirloom concept fits him very well.

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Other Reddit users were also impressed with the concept, with many calling the concept “amazing” and wishing it was official.

Many also suggested other variants of the finisher that PLConqueror could work on

“I want to see him pull it out, fumble it around and drop it on their head, then look around in a panic and walk away like ‘no one saw me kill that guy, right?'” said K1NGD1GG1TY.

So far, PLConqueror has made heirloom finisher concepts for both Mirage and Rampart, so it would be awesome to see them create concepts for the other Legends who have heirlooms, as well.

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