Apex Legends pro Mande grills Vantage’s sniper hitbox: “It’s so bad”

Mande looking at Apex Legends VantageYouTube: SCARZ / Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends pro Mikkel ‘Mande’ Hestbek has grilled new release Vantage ⁠— but not for the traditional reasons. The sniper aficionado pointed out how “bad” the Legend’s Sniper’s Mark hitbox is, seemingly striking targets despite visibly missing.

Vantage has been a contentious point in the Apex Legends community since her release in Season 14. While she has a dedicated group of fans, many believe she’s underpowered with pros outright calling her “one of the worst characters” in the game.

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However there are some advantages to her kit, namely to most her Sniper’s Mark ultimate. Being able to tag enemies and increase damage taken for a period of time while outlining them is a huge plus. Another is seemingly how easy the bullets are to hit.

Apex Legends pro Mande would love Vantage on paper. The SCARZ player is known for his sniper prowess, picking up any long-ranged gun and putting it to work.

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However even he has his gripes with Vantage ⁠— but not for the usual reasons. Instead she believes her sniper is too easy to use. In a fight with a Vantage, he got double-tapped with her Sniper’s Mark and quickly taken down, leading to a slight rant about her ultimate.

“This guy is playing a f**king sh*t Legend dude,” he said. “He has the bullet size of Antarctica. I swear to God, Vantage is made for people who don’t know how to snipe with a real sniper. They need a f**king escalator. It’s so bad.”

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After the game finished, he showed a few clips of how players could hit shots with Vantage’s Sniper’s Mark despite seemingly missing or lagging behind the target.

“The bullets are so big, dude,” gesturing a huge circle with his hands. “Have you seen the clips? What is that? He’s not even f**king aiming. It’s insane, it’s sh*t dude.”

While Vantage seems so up his alley, Mande believes she’s “too clunky” and wouldn’t actually use her in competitive or even ranked: “Her Q feels so slow and when you double jump and you lose all your momentum, I don’t like it. I’m just not a fan, I don’t know.”

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However he does have an affinity for Sniper’s Mark regardless, dreaming of his own Pathfinder rework where he could get the movement mechanics of the iconic robot plus the Sniper buff Vantage provides.

“Imagine Pathfinder with Vantage ult. Pathfinder with 25-second cooldown on [his Grapple] that starts when he Q’s something, Vantage ult, and Horizon passive. I would do things for that.”