Apex Legends Lost Treasures update makes Loba’s teleport useless


Apex Legends players are still running into a strange bug with Loba’s Burglar’s Best Friend ability that is preventing them from teleporting across the map with a throw of her bracelet, and it seems to have only gotten worse with the Lost Treasure update. 

After plenty of hype and speculation, Loba was introduced to Apex Legends with the start of season five – Fortune’s Favor. The Translocating Thief is pretty difficult to the current crop of characters given that she can teleport across the map and steal loot from considerable distances away

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Now, while many may have been expecting her to shake up the meta and become a much-used character, up to now, that hasn’t happened. Though, it might just be because of bugs with her abilities – most notably, the teleport.

Loba was introduced to Apex in season five but hasn’t quite become overpowered yet.

Burglar’s Best Friend, otherwise just known as Loba’s bracelet, allows the player to toss the bracelet out and quickly teleport towards it – be it because they want to fight or escape a firefight.

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Though, as Reddit user KingDududu pointed out, there have been further problems following the Lost Treasures Collection Event update. According to them, the bracelet won’t work as intended on World’s Edge. As she can’t teleport anywhere, this bug is leaving Loba pretty stranded and somewhat useless when it comes to games. 

However, it isn’t just a one-time problem. Other players have encountered the same issue on both World’s Edge and Kings Canyon as the bracelet just returns back to Loba’s wrist without conducting a teleport. 

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One Redditor noted that this has happened to them “several times.” Another commenter, 1xSCZ, added: that “she can’t teleport consistently anymore after the Lost Treasure update.”

Prior to the launch of Lost Treasures, Loba’s teleport could be countered with Wattson’s Interception Pylon, but that is no longer the case – so that doesn’t explain the issue. 

We’ll just have to wait and see as to whether or not Respawn address it. As of writing, the problem hasn’t been jotted down on their Trello board of bugs, so it’s unknown if the devs are aware of it or not.

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