Apex Legends player discovers how Gibraltar counters Mirage’s invisibility

Respawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends player found a brilliant way to snuff out an invisible Mirage with the help of a well placed tactical ability from one of the least popular characters in the game, Gibraltar.

Ever since Respawn buffed Mirage, there are some players who have been having a tough time countering the Legend when he ults to become invisible. While there’s some tried and true methods to thwart the Holographic Trickster some have been more effective than others.

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But players still having a hard time consistently countering the character’s invisibility can have a simple answer to their problems by bubbling them in Gibby’s Dome of Protection.

Respawn EntertainmentMirage-mains will be baffled to known their ult doesn’t always make them completely invisible.

In a Reddit thread, user ‘Inked_Cat’ uploaded a video of Gibraltar and company in a heated battle near the circle’s edge when the enemy Mirage found himself in a precarious spot between the entire opposing squad.

With his teammates down, Mirage decided to ult out of there but made the fatal error of activating the Vanishing Act while in Gibraltar’s tac ability.

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By doing so, Gibraltar and his team didn’t need to rely on hard to see dust kicking up as Mirage weaves his way through the fight. Instead, there was a very noticeable silhouette shuffling around the holographic decoys of the Legend that easily gave away his position.

Even though being invisible gives Mirage-mains a sense of security, the effects of Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection completely left the Trickster defenseless against the team that could easily trace his movements.

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At that point it was a quick cleanup for Gibraltar’s teammate Wattson, who quickly downed the exposed Mirage and used a vicious finisher to do away with the pesky Legend.

How to counter Mirage’s ultimate?

As mentioned before, while Mirage’s ultimate makes him completely invisible after the effects of the v1.2 patch there are still reliable enough methods to see through his trickery.

The first thing players will want to do is listen for his ult’s activation which is pretty loud and obvious after getting used to the sound queue.

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Respawn EntertainmentGibby players are ready to lay the smack down on Mirage players who think they can sneak around in the Dome of Protection.

After that its a simple matter of checking for dust tracks or splashes if on water, unless there’s a Bangalore or Caustic on the team.

Like Gibraltar, Bangalore and Caustic can use their respective tactical abilities to basically outline where Mirage is after he ults, making him easy prey.