Apex Legends hiding spot could make perfect King’s Canyon sniper’s nest

Respawn Entertainment

A hidden spot on King’s Canyon could be the perfect Apex Legends sniper’s nest to help win your next few games.

Apex Legends players have uncovered a number of clever hiding spots throughout the battle royale’s lifecycle. From a sneaky spot just for Pathfinder, to a unique area in the Harvester on World’s Edge, there are plenty of places to run and hide.

A new spot discovered on Kings Canyon could be the most practical to date, however, as players are able to snipe down foes from afar, all while hidden away.

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Respawn Entertainment
Snipers could benefit from checking out this hiding spot.

Venturing through the map with only a handful of squads left standing, a unique hiding spot was found close to The Cage.

“Do you want to know the most broken spot in the whole game?” Reddit user ‘TheIrritatedCritic’ asked in the midst of a March 31 ranked game.

Ziplining up to the high-ground in the remnants of the Bridges area from the map’s first iteration, they soon slid underneath a nearby structure.

Seemingly an area that players are supposed to be locked out of by an invisible wall of sorts, they were able to awkwardly float across to a crazily powerful hiding spot.

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Completely hidden away from opposing teams, with only one entry-point, it would be a cheeky location to camp out a lobby if the storm closes in around that particular area.

However, gaps in the wooden surface actually allow you to peer through and potentially snipe down enemies from afar as well.

“No one will see you down there either, and going up the zipline, no one will see you,” they explained. “It’s probably the most broken spot in the f***ing game.”

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Respawn Entertainment
The red circle indicates just where you can find this hiding spot on King’s Canyon.

Without a sniper at the ready, players could pepper away at enemies with automatic weapons or simply use the spot to scout without any fear of being picked off.

While the spot may soon be patched out of the game, developers at Respawn are yet to comment on the matter so be sure to keep an eye out for players abusing it.