Apex Legends hackers under threat as Respawn “unleash” new measures

apex legends hackersRespawn Entertainment

Respawn Entertainment are ramping up their anti-cheat measures in Apex Legends by expanding their dev team to focus on stopping hackers. 

2021 has been the year of hacks in the first-person shooter space, which has been tough viewing for players in multiple games. Warzone’s cheating situation got so bad that players and streamers alike staged a huge boycott of Activision’s game, while hacker providers are already predicting a grim future for Battlefield 2042.

For the most part, these hacker issues have not dripped over the Apex Games – though in some regions, the issue has become more apparent than in others.

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Thankfully for the community, though, the game’s developers have responded with strong action.

Big blow for Apex Legends hackers

Apex Legends stat bugRespawn Entertainment
Apex Legends hackers have been spotted in some servers, notably in Asia.

Apex Legends hackers were put on notice on August 26, with Respawn stepping up their security efforts.

As reported by Conor Ford on Twitter (who works on the security team at Respawn), the company hired two new security developers, one of which is based in Japan – a region that’s suffered quite a bit with cheaters.

This will be a huge blow for cheaters and exploiters in the region, but a big win for the ordinary player.

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He said: “Our 2 new hires for security have been unleashed and are now banning. This includes the JP counterpart. They grow up so fast.”

After monitoring the situation in Japan and even further afield for some time now, they have taken swift action to stop hackers in their tracks.

Members of the game’s online community will be hoping this makes a big difference in the country, but there’s no doubt that this is a huge boost for the Apex Legends anti-cheat strategy as well.

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