Apex Legends hacker couldn’t counter this player’s high-IQ strategy


Apex Legends has a hacking epidemic of sorts on PC but that doesn’t mean they can’t be defeated, as one squad of crafty players demonstrated with an incredible country strategy. 

One side effect of being a highly popular free battle royale title is you’ll get a lot of cheaters and hackers trying to ruin the experience of other players.

While this is a problem that Apex Legends has been experiencing on PC for quite some time, it looks as though some players have come up with a way to fight back against the hackers. 

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Here’s the perfect counter to an Apex Legends hacker 

In a video uploaded to YouTube by TesservcT, the crafty squad dealt with a hacker in one of the best ways possible – by avoiding them completely.

The strategy involved hoarding medkits and other healing items in a pile and just outliving the hacker at the end.

They knew they wouldn’t be able to fight the hacker head on, so healing through the storm was the only option and it actually ended up working.

While this isn’t a strategy that will always work, we do see that it can be the perfect counter to a suspected hacker or cheater.

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Hackers run rampant in Apex Legends

EAWatch out for hackers in Apex Legends.

Respawn Entertainment, the developers of Apex Legends, have been hard at work tracking down these cheaters and getting them banned from the game.

Hundreds of thousands of accounts have been banned, with some even receiving a hardware ban to truly try and limit their ability to ruin the experience for other players ever again.

However, Respawn can’t get them all so sometimes you’ll have to deal with one in your game and with some slick plays, you might even be able to pull out the victory.

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Still, it’s a widespread problem that Respawn have been working to remedy ever since the game launched in February. 

If you ever come across a hacker, the new in-game report feature should come in handy and give Respawn some help nailing down the pesky hackers once and for all.