Apex Legends Grand Soirée update completely breaks respawn beacons

Apex Legends Respawn BeaconEA

Apex Legends’ Grand Soirée Arcade Event update brought a ton of changes to weapons and characters, while also breaking a critical component to the Apex Games – respawn beacons. 

With Season 3 winding down, players were looking ahead to what Respawn might have in-store for Season 4. Scheduled to kick-off on Apex Legends’ one-year anniversary, Season 4 is arguably the most anticipated one yet. 

Before players get stuck into Season 4, they have Pathfinder’s Grand Soirée event to grind. Having brought a wealth of new formal cosmetics and a bunch of game modes for players to dabble in, players have been treated to a grand means of seeing out Season 3.

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Crypto, Wraith and Gibraltar each received changesEA
The January 14 update also brought some controversial buff and nerfs to key characters.

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Respawn’s beacons are broken

Given that Apex Legends was the first to pave the way for respawn beacons in the battle royale genre, they have become a staple to the Apex Games. 

Yet despite Respawn’s efforts to see out Season 3 in style, their latest update has inadvertently broken respawn beacons, leaving players completely baffled. 

Posted to the Apex Legends subreddit, user ‘Rodneyrobotic’ highlighted the issue while attempting to receive two fallen teammates. 

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As showcased in the Reddit user’s clip, the player attempted to deliver both their squadmate’s banners to the respawn beacon. After completing the animation, however, the players remained in limbo. 

The player subsequently attempted to bring back their allies for a second and third time, only to be greeted with the same outcome.

Whether the issue is exclusive to certain respawn beacons on World’s Edge, remains elusive.

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More issues on the horizon?

Alongside being unable to revive eliminated allies, players are also reporting a glitch where they cannot self-revive when they have the Legendary Knockdown Shield equipped.

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As underscored in the clip, the player almost manages to complete the self-revive process, before appearing to be abruptly reset.

Moreover, players are also outlining an issue with sprinting, where their character intermittently stops mid-sprint: “My sprint randomly stops every, like, 3 seconds. Also, this same thing happens when trying to revive downed teammates too. It just stops and you have to start all over.”

Despite multiple accounts of similar issues, a fix is yet to surface on the Apex Legends Tracker. Of course, Respawn will be keeping a close eye on feedback. So it’s likely only a matter of time before a hotfix is pushed live.

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