Apex Legends fans want ALGS UI change to come to the battle royale

apex legends shieldElectronic Arts

Apex Legends players think that one UI feature found in ALGS VODS could make a great addition to the base battle royale.

Apex Legends offers tons of loot for players to collect, such as ammo, guns, weapon Hop-Ups, and the various all-important healing items.

However, in the heat of battle, it can sometimes be a bit tricky to keep stock of every healing item you have without pulling up the healing item wheel.

As such, some fans think that one helpful UI feature from ALGS should make its way to the base battle royale game as a toggleable HUD element.

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Apex Legends players want ALGS UI feature

A post on the Apex Legends subreddit sparked a discussion after one player said, “Why ALGS only? Why don’t we get this overlay? I’m forever opening my inventory to check what I have haha.”

The OP attached a picture of the ALGS UI feature that showed how many healing items and ordinances a spectated player had in their inventory at a given time.

The HUD element sits right above the weapon layout and each healing item and ordinance is split into its own self-contained box.

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Other players also thought the UI feature would be helpful, especially as a customizable or toggleable setting. “Would be a nice edition,” said one player. …Even if it was just a preference option in the settings.”

Another fan said, “I would settle for when you are in someone’s death box and hover over an item (ammo, batts, etc.) for it to tell you how many you already have.”

On the flip side, plenty of Apex players would worry this UI feature would cause too much visual clutter. “So much clutter, but I guess some people might like it as a quality of life update. Hopefully if that ever happens I can turn it off.

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It certainly would be a handy feature for those players who simply want to glance and see how many heals they have on hand before a fight. Perhaps one day developer Respawn Entertainment will implement this UI feature in the base game.