Apex Legends fans call for rework as “decimated” legend is barely used anymore

Valkyrie Apex Legends HeirloomRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players want Respawn to rework a character that everyone used to love but has been “decimated” by nerfs over the last few seasons. 

Over the last few years, Apex Legends’ roster of characters has undergone some massive changes. While the likes of Pathfinder, Wraith, and Bloodhound continue to go strong at the top of the meta, the same can’t be said for others. 

Valkyrie was, at one point, the most-popular legend in the futuristic battle royale. Her Skyward Dive ultimate was the popular ability in the game, allowing teams to quickly rotate and also get off a quick scan of enemy locations. 

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However, the Winged Avenger has slipped way down the pecking order due to a raft of nerfs. According to players like WanderWut, they believe she has actually been “decimated” in recent seasons. 

“Respawn decimated her with nerfs and with items that make her pointless as a strategic character choice for teams. She needs some love Respawn, at this point, it feels like a rework should be in order,” they said.

“Make her jetpack work like it does In the trailers, enough said. An awkward 10-second hover is just lame,” one player suggested. “Speed change would make her OP but it’s really the only way to fix her jetpack and set her apart. Or maybe allow her to do tricks like banshees in Halo,” another added.

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Valkyrie diving with Bladed Descent trail in Apex LEgendsRespawn/EA
Valkyrie is barely used in Apex Legends now.

“From the few times I use her the rockets she shoots feel useless. I feel like it’s easier to dodge than a bang ult but it’s a tighter spread,” another player commented, suggesting she should have “better visibility” when using her Ultimate. 

“She needs a new tactical. No need for her to have stunning rockets. A smaller team movement ability would be cool,” another added.

Those claims are backed up by stats too. As per ApexLegendStatus, Valkyrie has slipped into the bottom 10 when it comes to usage. She sits with a 1.9% pick rate, which is on par with the likes of Crypto and Gibraltar. 

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It remains to be seen if Respawn will hear players’ calls and rework Valkyrie, but it would be nice.