Apex Legends fan shows off the most impressive Mirage cosplay yet

Not only is Apex Legends a popular game, but its selection of characters make for excellent cosplay opportunities, as we saw with this Mirage outfit.

As players wait for Season 2 of Apex Legends to drop, fans have found other ways to keep occupied with their time.

Given that Respawn Entertainment has made an incredibly unique set of characters, cosplayers have been given the perfect opportunity to make costumes of their favorite characters. 

Sending out a bamboozle

Mirage is one of the easier Legends to cosplay, mostly because he’s a human so a lot of the hard work is already done.

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A user on Reddit who goes by Lyonz91 showed off his impressive Mirage cosplay from MegaCon Orlando. It’s pretty hard to find any faults with the outfit, but you can judge for yourself below.

Lyonz91 - RedditThat’s one impressive Mirage cosplay.

Apex Legends is a lot like Overwatch from strictly a cosplay standpoint. Overwatch allows for many cosplay opportunities thanks to the vast selection of Heroes. Apex Legends is following right behind and could continue to keep up if new Legends are introduced to the game.

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Respawn said a new Legend will be arriving with Season 2, but we still have to wait for the official unveiling.

When is Season 2 coming?

Apex Legends Season 2 will be revealed at E3 2019 during EA’s press conference, which is probably when we can expect to learn more about what’s included and hopefully get a release date.

Respawn said a new Legend, map points of interest, weapons and an improved Battle Pass can all be expected with Season 2. Shroud said he has played the new Legend but warns fans to not get their hopes up too much.

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The only thing fans need to know now is if it’ll be enough to keep the interest.