Apex Legends fan recreates World’s Edge in Minecraft & it looks incredible

Apex Legends Minecraft Harvester BlendedRespawn Entertainment / Mojang

One insanely dedicated Apex Legends fan took the time to recreate parts of World’s Edge, two fan-favorite weapons, and even some of the game’s Legends — with their unique abilities — in a mind-blowing Minecraft crossover.

There’s almost nothing fans of any game love more than a good crossover event. Whether its a small easter egg tying two games together, or a massive combination of different franchises like Fortnite’s continued collaboration with Marvel, fans will eat up a good crossover any day.

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A game focused on empowering its players to create interesting worlds, Minecraft has become home to a number of unique crossovers with other titles. One super-fan used Minecraft as the setting for their very own Apex Legends-inspired collaboration, with truly jaw-dropping results.

Apex Legends Train Yard in MinecraftReddit / 'u/kurobekuro'
The Train Yard on World’s Edge recreated in Minecraft.

In a post shared on the Apex Legends subreddit, ‘u/kurobekuro’ provided a glimpse of what a Minecraft player can do when using Apex Legends for inspiration. They shared over half-a-dozen images and clips of various Apex Legends’ locations, weapons and characters fully recreated in Mojang’s title.

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In the post, kurobekuro shared that “I tried to reproduce Apex [in] Minecraft, but it is incomplete due to lack of time.” Despite being unable to create as much as they would’ve liked, their post still presented an impressive array of Apex-inspired Minecraft content.

Several areas from World’s Edge — the Harvester, Train Yard, Mirage Voyage and Epicenter — were all fully rebuilt within Minecraft. In addition to creating the actual locations, kurobekuro also included a small map to show off the chunk of World’s Edge they had created.

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While the locations on their own are impressive, the post did not stop there. The player also paid homage to the R-99 and Flatline — two of Apex Legends’ most infamous and powerful guns. Not only do the Minecraft versions look the part, they are also fully functional, as kurobekuro displayed with a clip in their post.

Apex Legends Mirage Voyage in MinecraftReddit / 'u/kurobekuro'
Another POI kurobekuro recreated in his Minecraft world: the Mirage Voyage.

Despite already covering locations and weapons, the builder’s creativity did not stop there. They also recreated three of Apex Legends’ characters — Bloodhound, Octane and Wraith — and, once again, went above and beyond by faithfully including their abilities, which are also fully functional.

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In another clip kurobekuro shared, the player can be seen running around and using Octane’s Stim and Jump Pad abilities, along with Bloodhound’s Beast of the Hunt ultimate and Wraith’s signature Portal.

While this is not the first Apex Legends-Minecraft crossover, it is certainly the most impressive. Any experienced Minecraft player knows that a serious time investment would be needed in order to create something of this scale, and to make the weapons and abilities functional.

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The Apex community certainly seemed impressed with the poster’s creativity and dedication. Comments like “Holy s**t this is cool,” “F**kin brilliant man,” and “This is simply magnificent,” filled the replies on Reddit.

Kurobekuro’s post is another impressive example of what a passion for games and creative outlook in Minecraft can achieve when combined. Maybe one day the creator will open his server to some other fans for some true Apex Legends-Minecraft action.

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