Apex Legends devs reject calls to revert Ranked back to old versions

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The developers working on Apex Legends have stated that the future of the game’s Ranked system will not be reverting to previous versions, as they want competitive Apex Legends to be more focused on “playing to win” rather than getting kills.

In a recent AMA on the official Apex Legends subreddit, The devs were asked if they were looking to revert the Ranked system back to the old one used for seasons 7 to 11.

However, the devs said that they believed this version of Ranked was too focused on getting kills, and that they wanted a version that was more oriented around winning the match overall.

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Apex Legends devs confirm Ranked will be less focused on getting kills

The developers were asked by one player about the future of the Ranked system, who said: “Do you plan to revert to the previous ranked system (S7-S11)? And why?”

The developers responded: “No, we are going to continue forward with this Ranked system at this time. We felt prior systems were too focused on racking up kills and not focused on winning the match.

“We want to put focus on playing to win and we feel the path we’re pursuing now is headed in that direction.

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“The current system is not perfect, but we will keep iterating on it to achieve our goal of putting focus on winning the match.”

Reactions to this response ranged from positive to negative; some players were disappointed that there wouldn’t be a focus on kills due to the emergence of ratting, where players hide from others to stay alive as long as possible.

However, others were more receptive to the idea, with one commenter saying: “So happy to hear this. You have a lot of people who agree this direction is better, but there need to be many adjustments.”

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Hopefully, players will be happy with the new ranked system as we get ready for the new season.

For more news and updates on Apex Legends and Season 18, check out the changes that are on the way to solve the controversial ratting problem.