Apex Legends dev explains why Lifeline doesn’t need a buff in Season 5

Respawn Entertainment

Respawn developer Carlos Pineda has explained why Lifeline doesn’t need a buff in Apex Legends Season 5, revealing the “complicated spot” the in-game medic continues to occupy.

Despite being one of Apex Legends most popular characters since launch, many fans feel Lifeline’s viability has been dwindling in an ever-changing meta. She recently received a buff, giving her access to a number of blue supply bins around the map, but statistics behind the change indicate that it is severely limited in the benefits it provides.

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With Season 5’s launch on May 12, some fans of the Combat Medic were hoping for a minor buff, but a Respawn developer has now poured cold water on the idea of a Lifeline buff coming anytime soon.

Lifeline has been one of Apex Legends’ most popular characters since its launch way back in February 2019.

Carlos Pineda, lead game designer at Respawn Entertainment, dove into the topic of Lifeline in a series of tweets on May 14. He explained the “complicated spot” Lifeline is in and that, while she has certainly “lost some of her shine”, they are wary of the fact she remains immensely popular.

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“Lifeline is in a complicated spot,” he said. “Despite the claims that she “is in dire need of a buff,” the data says she remains top tier across different categories, e.g. pick rate, win rate, KDR. So in that sense, she does not need a buff at all. But I get it – everyone wants her to be unique and I agree she’s lost some of her shine due to the other legend buffs.”

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While Respawn do want to see Lifeline stand out to a greater extent, they are wary of making her more powerful, as this would improve her pick rate, win rate, and kill-death ratio. Hence, Respawn are looking at changing her abilities, without massively improving her. This will enable her to become more unique, while also being balanced.

“What we’re really looking for is a Sidegrade,” Pineda finished. “We want her to be different from other Legends without necessarily adding power. That kind of design is much harder than just cranking numbers or even just adding a new thing she can do.”

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He finished by asking Apex Legends fans for patience but reiterated that Respawn are working on Lifeline, so changes may come soon, albeit not in the form of a major buff.

While Pineda’s comments may be disappointing to Lifeline mains who want to see a swift buff, it reinforces Respawn’s commitment to a balanced battle royale, as well as maintaining open lines of communication with players.