Apex Legends dev explains why Loba’s teleport doesn’t always work

Respawn Entertainment

Loba’s teleportation tactical ability ‘Burglar’s Best Friend’ doesn’t work exactly as it did in the Apex Legends Fortune’s Favor gameplay trailer – prompting a response from a Respawn dev.

A trending post in the popular Apex Legends subreddit showed ‘DropTopMox’ making a valiant effort to recreate one of the first instances in which players got to see a true gameplay-scenario debut of Loba and her Jump Drive bracelet.

Though previously shown in smaller capacities, players got to whet their appetites on the High Society Thief’s robust abilities, including a move that lets her teleport to her throwable bracelet.

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A PSA on what Loba can really do

Unfortunately, the limit test for Loba’s teleport didn’t go so well for DropTopMox and was confused to discover that the bracelet was a dud when they needed it the most – until Respawn dev ‘Deco’ shared what likely went wrong.

“PSA: Do NOT try to recreate the Loba play from the trailer,” the player cautioned after utilizing the ability in the same way Loba does in the trailer while getting wildly different results.

The gameplay trailer showed Loba making a last ditch dive over a cliff with Pathfinder and both used their long-cooldown tacticals to retreat to level below.

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In mid-air, when Loba spun to throw her bracelet, she made it to the other end safely. After DropTopMax used the same tactical move – and failed spectacularly – he got on the internet to make a meme starring the Ghanaian Dancing Pallbearers.

After a few hours of shared confusion and dismay following his popular thread, Deco replied to the post that had accumulated over 5,000 upvotes, at the time of writing.

“Ah yes,” Deco acknowledged after quoting a line awfully reminiscent of something that would be written on the Apex Tracker. “If the tactical is thrown, and then Loba herself hits a slip trigger, the tactical will fail even though it hit a valid surface.”

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The tracker lists some, but not all, of everything that Respawn is addressing. Though Deco was sure to give some clarity to the situation, informing all players that it is a “known issue [and to] expect it to be fixed in a future patch.”

In the meantime, prowling Lobas should be aware that a slip during a hunt in Apex Legends could quickly lead to their downfall.