Apex Legends community tormented by new error code

Respawn Entertainment

The Apex Legends community have been running into a new error code preventing people from jumping into games as more players are reporting the problem.

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One of the most frustrating aspects of Respawn Entertainment’s popular battle royale are the unceremonious disconnects that can easily ruin the player experience even before a game starts.

In the past, notorious error codes such as the ever present “Code:Leaf” have plagued the community, just to be followed up weeks later by a surprising appearance of yet another problematic trend in the “code:wheel” fiasco.

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Respawn EntertainmentThe various code errors in Apex Legends have been ruining some players’ experience.

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Apex Legends error code trilogy: Leaf, Wheel, Gnut

Though both problems have been on a major decline since first appearing, it looks like Apex Legends players are looking at the start of a troubling trend possibly making its way to the Respawn Entertainment servers.

There have already been multiple instances of players trying to drop into King’s Canyon only to be met with a frustrating new message: “There was a problem processing game logic. Please try again. Sh_battlepass.gnut.”

Players are now seeing that the code can appear for a myriad of situations when trying to load up a match, with one user saying: “Ah man this happened to me. We got the dreaded BATTLEPASS GNUT”

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u/foreverbuddha via RedditThe new code error affecting Apex Legends players.
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Another instance shows the same “gnut” keyword for the error, but it follows other elements such as “mp/sh_bleedout.gnut.”

At the time of writing, there is no indication on what could be causing the problem. But with more and more players reporting the issue, it’s bound to get the attention of Respawn Entertainment soon if it hasn’t already.

u/willgibbins16 via RedditMore than a few Apex Legends players are getting code:gnut’d.
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In the past, Respawn Entertainment’s devs worked tirelessly to resolve the near constant problems of the Leaf and Wheel debacles that were continuously annoying players.

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Code:leaf actually proved to be a large for the devs and code:wheel wasn’t much better for the devs. Now with a new problem on the rise, the devs will be pretty busy trying to get a handle on the various issues.

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While there have been various major bugs in Apex Legends since its launch, the devs have been a resilient bunch in trying to create solutions for the problems that routinely appear.