Apex Legends brings back Three Strikes LTM because everyone loved it so much

Apex Legends brings back Three Strikes LTM because everyone loved it so muchRespawn Entertainment

Respawn Entertainment is feeling the holiday cheer, as the studio announced the return of the Three Strikes LTM to Apex Legends.

The beginning of November brought the biggest crossover in Apex Legends history in the form of the Apex Legends x Post Malone event.

Over the course of two weeks, Post Malone’s creativity bled into Apex Legends. Unique cosmetics flooded the in-game shop, Twitch Drops rewarded viewers with cool trinkets, and a new mode, Three Strikes, took Apex Legends by storm.

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Typically, when an event ends, everything related to said event goes back into the vault. However, Respawn’s feeling the holiday cheer with Three Strikes makes its return for a limited time.

Three Strikes LTM returns to Apex Legends for a limited time

Three Strikes features a different spin on the normal battle royale formula. As the name implies, your squad gets three strikes before they’re eliminated for good. It’s very hectic and fast-paced, as your team will respawn with full gear one POI over from where they were killed.

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Fan feedback on the mode was overwhelmingly positive, with every corner of Apex Legends sharing how fun the mode was.

As mentioned, the end of the event saw everything it brought put back into the content dungeon. That is, until Respawn announced on Twitter/X the mode would be coming back for an extended limited-time run.

Of course, everyone loved the announcement of Three Strikes’ return to Apex Legends. Fan love showered in from a multitude of players, although amidst the love, many stated it should be a permanent mode.

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Time will tell if Respawn will submit to those requests. Maybe iiTzTimmy can convince Post Malone to be the voice of the people, yet again, and plead with Respawn to make it happen.

For now, hop into Apex Legend’s Three Strikes mode when it arrives on November 23 presumably at 10 am PT / 1 pm EST / 6 pm GMT, which is when updates usually go live.