Apex Legends: All abilities and more revealed for Blisk – leaked Titanfall character

An Apex Legends data miner has revealed details surrounding a new character coming to King’s Canyon – known as Blisk – perhaps sooner than you might expect.

With the second season of Respawn Entertainment’s popular battle royale in full-swing, the impending third season is on the horizon, and naturally, more leaks continue to surface. 

In a video posted on August 25, That1MiningGuy revealed a new Legend found in the game files for the battle royale — none other than the infamous mercenary, Kuben Blisk. 

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Who is Blisk?

While the name Blisk may not mean much to players only familiar to Apex Legends, those who have waged war in Titanfall will know the man who seems set to be one of the game’s next characters. 

Kuben Blisk is a South African mercenary, who was the leader of the Apex Predators, a freelance group of pilots who ruthlessly chopped down anyone who stood in their way. Following the end of the Frontier War, Blisk would go on to create the popular bloodsport competition called Apex Games, and has been seen in a number of Apex Legends trailers since the game’s release. 

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While Blisk has remained in the shadows since the launch of the game back in February, it seems that he has decided to step out from his leadership position, and enter King’s Canyon himself in the hopes of securing a victory for himself. 

Apex Legends (EA)Blisk appears in the opening sequence of Apex Legends.

What are Blisk’s abilities? 

Described as an “elite mercenary”, Blisk will support a more aggressive playstyle, which may rival that of Octane or Wraith. His abilities are as follows:

  • Passive: Interrogation — “Executing an enemy will reveal the location of their allies for 10 seconds.”
  • Tactical: Throwing Knife — “Deals 20 damage and marks the target. Killing a marked target rewards double credits.”
  • Ultimate: Payday — Squad kills award credits. Spend credits on powerful supplies.”

Blisk’s ultimate ability provides a facility to potentially ‘craft’ items from materials known as ‘credits’ — a form of currency earned by killing enemies (similar to the contracts you’d expect a mercenary to fulfill). Either 2/5/10 credits can be exchanged for an item, depending on the tier selected. 

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The ability is similar to one of the abilities uncovered for Nomad (where players have the ability to craft from materials salvaged), but will support a more aggressive playstyle, by rewarding the squad with credits in exchange for kills. 

Although, the mercenary’s passive ability will provide a new incentive for executing enemies through a finishing move, given the this is rarely done due to the vulnerability that comes with running through the full animation of finishing move. 

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How might Blisk fit into Season 3?

FrozenFroh (a self-proclaimed lore expert) has hypothesized that the organization that both governs and makes money from the Apex Games, The Syndicate, is operated by Blisk, and that Crypto (another character set to join the battle royale in season three) is part of a firm whose sole objective is to overthrow The Syndicate. 

Given that Crypto is currently in a prime position to be revealed as part of the season three storyline, alongside the overwhelming detail surrounding Blisk’s lore and potential tie-ins to Crypto’s character arc, a showdown between the two characters might be the foundation from which season three is built.

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This article was update at 4:11 AM EST on Tuesday, September 3, 2019