Apex Legends “aim resist” clip goes viral after player misses every possible shot

Apex Legends MirageRespawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends player has admitted they’re “legally obligated” to quit the game forever after missing every possible shot in a gunfight.

Whether you play Apex casually or grind Ranked every single day, everyone makes mistakes and will occasionally blunder a gunfight or miss a key ability.

For most of the community, these mishaps lead to a moment of embarrassment in front of their teammates and then are forgotten almost instantly.

However, for one player, an unfortunate clip of their own making was too entertaining not to share and has even led them to admit that they should be “legally obligated to quit Apex forever”.

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Apex Legends LobaRespawn Entertainment
Apex Legends Season 11 went live on November 2.

Apex Legends players’ “aim resist” clip goes viral

Taking to the Apex Legends subreddit, Emdoodev decided to share a clip of them playing in Arenas, and unlike a lot of gameplay posts, it can’t be described as a highlight reel.

Seemingly unable to hit a single shot in the gunfight, it’s almost as if something is preventing Emdoodev from aiming at enemy targets.

Everything possible that could go wrong does and results in them being downed and taken out of the fight after missing three mags worth of bullets.

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Admitting that they should be”legally obligated to quit Apex forever”, it’s obvious Emdoodev saw the funny of their blunder.

The thread resulted in a lot of entertaining responses from fellow users, including those that encouraged Emdoodev to turn their “aim resist” off, and others that simply asked: “are you a stormtrooper?”.

Either way, the clip shows that everyone can have their off days in Apex and it’s best to take your mistakes with a pinch of salt instead of getting frustrated.

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